Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Jo Ann Wescott vs. The Truth

Misusing funds, cheating donors, pocketing money intended for children, having affairs with women behind his wife's back, and even going so far as to be a serious threat to someone's life: These are just some of the charges and accusations that are being hurled at Ken O'Keefe by someone on Facebook who calls herself "Jo Ann Wescott."

How much of this is truth, and how much is fiction? It might seem difficult, at first, for an outside observer who doesn't personally know Ken and who isn't privy to the true facts of the case to sort through all these conflicting and confusing claims. Who's telling the truth, and who's doing the lying? If only there were a surefire way of figuring this out.

Fortunately for us, there is such a way. By using Wescott's very own words that she posted in a Facebook note just a few days ago, it's possible to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that SHE is the liar:

Jo Ann Wescott:

Response by Ken to his friends he finally admitted to this and the rest will soon follow!!!

Jo Ann Wescott:

Ken O'Keefe - "Yes I lied about renouncing US citizenship, having a captains license, I physically threatened woman on the Free Gaza mission that I busted my ass for. You now the best thing that came out of Free Gaza for me, aside from the joy of sailing... into Gaza Port, meeting and working with Vittorio. That is where we established our connection and believe me if he were here today he could tell you what I am dealing with in Greta Berlin."

Note how she's claiming that Ken "finally admitted" to this wrongdoing described above, and she quotes as evidence one of his Facebook comments (from his note,Slander vs. Sanity). But did he really admit to this? Was this really an admission of guilt on his part, as she so vociferously and steadfastly claims? Let's carefully examine the context of Ken's comment:

Kate Dalton:

Greta Berlin is another one slandering you every chance she gets. Take defammation action against her too.

Ken O'Keefe:

You know Kate, the only reason I have not lashed out at Greta is for the sake of the flotilla, but I have come very close. She has told blatant lies about me. But in general I will ignore this crap, if I did not I would have no time to get things done. But when my wife and people around me in Gaza were brought into it, that was the last straw. After the flotilla I do plan to set the record straight with Greta in a very open way. But I will say, she is a nasty piece of work, along with the three Mary's.

Kate Dalton:

Great Berlin can't see my comments as I blocked her after disgusting comments she made on my page claiming you faked the greek kidnapping for publicity. She is evil. Everyone should avoid her. She should pay for her obscene accusations against you.

Kate Dalton:

Nasty isn't the word for Greta Berlin. Total evil & jealousy is what she is about.

Ken O'Keefe:

Yes I lied about renouncing US citizenship, having a captains license, I physically threatened woman on the Free Gaza mission that I busted my ass for. You now the best thing that came out of Free Gaza for me, aside from the joy of sailing... into Gaza Port, meeting and working with Vittorio. That is where we established our connection and believe me if he were here today he could tell you what I am dealing with in Greta Berlin.

Kate Dalton:

Well I blasted Greta on your behalf, in my very best Australian language.

Clearly, Ken is speaking mockingly and sarcastically about the "obscene accusations" of "Greta Berlin." He is NOT "admitting" to any wrongdoing as Jo Ann Wescott so falsely and ardently has claimed. He is MOCKING "obscene accusations" that have been made against him, and for her to say that he's "admitting" to them is to fling yet ANOTHER false and obscene accusation at him.

What he meant was perfectly clear to me the first time I read it, and it should have been clear to most anyone, and to Wescott as well, if she has even an ounce of brains, which I believe she does. She's very clever and cunning, and took Ken's comment out of context DELIBERATELY to make him look bad.

And if it isn't already perfectly clear what he meant, here is what Ken himself had to say in a subsequent comment, clearing up this mystery once and for all:

Ken O'Keefe:

To be clear on what I wrote above; ... I am speaking in the context of what Greta Berlin has said, I have renounced citizenship, had a captains license, have never in my life threatened a woman. Apparently this is being used out of context to give the impression that I am stating this as an admission of guilt. Whatever.

Now we have it! Now we can definitively answer the burning question asked above of who's telling the truth and who's doing the lying. Jo Ann Wescott has BLATANTLY LIED by deliberately taking Ken's comment out of context in a pathetic attempt to make him look bad. Ken never "admitted" to anything. It's all a big, fat, stinking (and probably Zionist) lie!

So with the haunting question of "who is the liar?" now out of the way and now definitively and incontrovertibly answered, and with Wescott now shown to be a PROVEN LIAR, there's one final question that we should ask ourselves:

If she would lie about something as obvious as this, why should we believe anything else she says? Why should we believe the hateful and outlandish accusations of a PROVEN LIAR hurled maliciously at a man of truly heroic proportions, a man who has risked his life for the sake of truth, peace, and justice? It could just as easily have been Ken who was kidnapped and murdered so brutally and heartlessly.  We all honor Vittorio Arrigoni now that he's dead and shed many sad tears now that he's gone. Let us honor Ken O'Keefe while he's still living, with tears of joy, and thank God that we're blessed enough still to have him.


  1. Ken actually still has a few outstanding things to answer to. For instance, the Road to Hope fiasco.


  2. http://kenokeefe.blogspot.com/2011/05/jo-ann-wescott-is-slandering-ken-okeefe.html

  3. I know her and have spoken with her personally. She caused disruption at the first place I encountered her so I was surprised to see her attacking Ken and others as they were her "heros", but I was NOT surprised by how she was acting and what she'd been saying. I can deal with Ken's remarks towards her as he has shown enormous restraint in her accusations and more than a polite amount of patience. She blocked me only after I asked that she at least let the people know she is discussing so they can work it out, in public or private, but everyone she was talking about had no idea as they also couldn't view her wall. I wish nothing but safety and love to Ken and Palestine and anyone who has a serious dedication in their heart towards the freedom of the Palestinians. What she had started could be very dangerous for many people because of the nature of her accusations. That is not productive to anyone. Best wishes to you all, but stay away from this Jo character, she is toxic. TJP <3

  4. Here's some good advice: ignore this troll. I have come across Jo Ann as well and I can attest, as numerous others can, that she is nothing but trouble wherever she passes. Avoid this agent of disruption at all costs, along with all her online alter egos.

  5. Jo Ann Wescott is an abuse survivor and has a blood clot on her brain. The poor girl is not well at all.
    I hope she gets medicated before she gets sectioned.

    1. May I know how you obtained this information? Thanks in advance :)

  6. This whole situation is ridiculous. I laughed that she even brought into the discussion the validity of his captains license. Everyone should just ignore anything Jo Ann Wescott says and get on with their lives.

  7. She is a lunatic. I've met her a few times here in San Antonio, and I can attest, from first-hand knowledge that she's a loon, singing songs at the top of her lungs, smiling and laughing uncontrollably, then, switching to tears, her speech mannerisms, etc. I've even wondered if she is a dis-information agent, which was nearly confirmed yesterday when I challenged her posts on FB that all US soldiers were raping, and murdering Iraqi girls. As I said, she's a nutjob, and she's sick, she needs to be medicated, or, put in a loony bin. My arms are flailing like Robots in Lost In Space; "Danger Will Robinson, Danger"!

    1. What do you mean she sings loud laughs and then cries? Did something upset her or did this just happen out of the blue?

  8. This lady is a asshole and a retard.
    She said I stole her laptop and wont stop harrassing me about it when I went out of my way to help he because she seemed dlike she needes it cuz she was gonna duct tape her dog to her moped.
    She wont leave me or my wife alone.
    Im the guy who helps people in need and her friend came into my work and threatened to kill me cuz I supposably stole her laptop.
    She needs to learn her place im an honest man who is trying to provide for his family not be a theif and steal stuff.

    1. Who is her friend that threaten you? Do you have a name to her friend?

  9. I watched a video of Ken O'Keefe making a Freemason hand sign in the shape of a pyramid while speaking. He continued this throughout his lecture which lasted over an hour. This got my attention, and I did more research. This Jo Ann Westcott might be right about this guy. Isn't that what the enemy does? They put their own man in to head the opposition against them so they can control it. They did this with the Nazi party back in the 70's. The leader of the Nazi Party, as it turned out, was a Jew.

  10. To the annonymous poster dated August 22 2014. I believe Ken is legit. If he were some sort of plant he would not be saying the things he is saying about the Jews.

    Yet why is he allowed to live? To continue? Because he is relatively an unknown. By letting him continue it gives the illusion that we really do have some free speech left. If something should happen and he gets significantly more popular....then I fear for him.

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